

hi cyber-siblings

since i presented my 'pickle' problem to the list a while back
i felt i'd best let you all have an update
in case the suspense was causing
too much stress

i'm grateful for all the responses and encouragement
from my cyber-siblings

after mulling over all of it
and turning over a few rocks here
i have come to the conclusion that the Great White North
is to be the beneficiary of my presence in the short term at least

so i'll be pursuing my life changes
from my sister's headquarters in Almonte Ontario
which forms the western end of Canada's 'silicon valley'
which terminates its eastern end at Ottawa, the nation's capital

so you sibs in the Ottawa Valley, be on guard!
i may actually get to meet a real parkie at last!

i've decided to head for my sister's home town
because i hear 'family' calling me

up to this year i thought my family
consisted of my sister trish, my niece jillian, and me
but, through the wonders of the internet,
and after a period of 20 years
i've discovered four long lost nieces and nephews [niblings]
and their offspring [niblets]
and various spouses [spice]

this happy finding is tempered
by the discovery that our long lost older sister
died a couple of years ago

in addition, i have made preliminary contact
with a long lost daughter whom i haven't seen for 30 years
as well as trish's long lost son whom she hasn't seen in 25 years

by some odd coincidence all of these niblings are in toronto
the city of both my birth and the origin of this list
my 'cyber-family' and my 'sanguine-family'
all in t.o. ??

maybe this bit of background
gives some added perspective as to why
discovering this cyber 'family' has been so important to me

for the next little while
i won't be able to post as much
since i'm getting ready to make the big move out of bermuda
[probably three weeks or so]

last call for visitors!
[n.b. all visitors will be put to work!]

your [practicing shivvvering] cyber-sis


janet paterson - 50/9 - sinemet/selegiline/prozac - [log in to unmask]