

Emily wrote:
The higher dose of Mirapex made him feel so "sick" (I think he means
"overmedicated") he dropped back to .75 daily after only a week at the
"theraupeutic" dosage. He can handle that OK. Listmembers responded to my
concerns and said, essentially, 'why mess with a good thing if it works?'.
Now he is right on the edge of needing something more--we don't know what it
would be, tho: try upping the Mirapex again?

   I think it's worth a try--go very slowly.  I started Mirapex in mid-August
starting with 0.125 mg three times/day.  My intention was then to add one
pill three times/day each week.  I did okay until I hit 2.25 mg/day.  I began
having headaches and nausea.  Advil helped ease the headaches and ginger took
care of the nausea, but when I tried increasing again, the headaches and
nausea were more than I wanted to live with so I slowed down.  I stayed on
2.25 mg/day for two or three weeks, then eased up.  I have just started 3.75
mg/day.  It is easing the tremor a little, but the tremor is still
I wish you success!
Joan Dykstra