

Ivan, I am not a person who enjoys taking legal action either, ironically, I
am married to a legal secretary! However, everything in this great country is
now geared to suing and being sued!  Even if $2200 was in petty cash at NPF,
there is probably no one with authority to disburse that cash!  So when NPF
gets donations and grants and whatever other sources of income, it must
earmark a certain percentage for paying legal expenses, and lawsuits. In
other words, it is the way business is done. If you are going to net $2200,
your lawyer will probably to get many times that, then maybe they'll settle
for two or three times the amount, and you'll end up with about what you
asked for, in your pocket.  This is based on the hopeful settlement out of
court. Your lawyer will not just try to sue the NPF, but also the doctor, his
receptionist, and anyone who was involved in any way, IF they appear to have
any money to sue for.
You could end up in trial, with a jury, or just before a judge, who might
just decide the whole thing like a traffic judge, in a few seconds.  I am not
giving legal advice, just parroting  what I have heard from my wife.  There
are so many variables, the mind boggles. There are many cases where the fault
is obvious, but the defendent has no money, no insurance, nothing of value,
so the plaintiff gets nothing. The other side of the coin is the case where
the defendent has millions of dollars, but the judge and or, the jury decides
they are not at fault, again, the poor plaintiff still gets nothing!
Good luck, hope you have a good lawyer, and get a fair settlement. I wouldn't
count on getting millions of dollars, as people have been killed and gotten
far less.  Meanwhile, you should still pursue a writing career, so maybe you
can become wealthy and enjoy life a little more! Ken B