

>In the meantime, Simon Coles has had a web site set up to perform the same
>function in realtime. His site requires that you read each message
>pretaining to what ever you search for manually. Don't remember the correct
>URL for that site though...or for that matter if it still exists.

The archive still exists, and you should find it at

Any problems, drop me a line......


PS - its running a bit slow at the moment, but we're upgrading our web
server next week which should help a lot.

--------- My opinions are my own, NIP's opinions are theirs ----------
Simon J. Coles                                 Email: [log in to unmask]
New Information Paradigms                  Work Phone: +44 1344 778783                     Work Fax:   +44 1344 772510
=============== Life is too precious to take seriously ===============