

Hi again,

Over the last few years Parkinson awarenes seems to have increased.
Unfortunately the availability of Parkinson's speacialists does not seem
to have caught up with the groe=wing needs and numbers of PWP's.  This
seems particularly true in Seattle, WA.  I have traveled with my mother
(60,12) and my step-father (65,11), as far as Arizona to seek advice and
direction on how to best diagnose, treat, and control PD and maintain a
quality of life.

When one finds a neuro that has up-to-date knowledge, a good bedside
manner, is willing to listen, and offers informed, personalized care,
the value of that relationship is immeasurable.  Unfortunately one finds
these neuros and clinic few and far between.

Here in Seattle we are somewhat bereft of the care and support I deem
necessary for my loved ones that are PWP's.  For this reason I strongly
believe that a Parkinson's clinic / PD Specialist needs to be set up
here in Seattle.  I also am going to pursue this idea to its completion.

I would like to hear from anyone out there any ideas, suggestions, or
insights that you may have to offer.  Some of the issues will include
affiliation to a university vs. a private clinic?  Profit vs. non-profit
benefits?  Statistical info on PD, demographics, etc.

Thanks in advace


Bill Bell ([log in to unmask])