

Kathie, Barb, and Marty, My father has reported the same problems,
   except I cannot get him to describe the pain to me. So I will
   ask you the same question.

   Does the pain feel like it is in the bones or muscle?
                      Thanks Linda Forrest's mom

PS My father began the mirapex a few months ago.

Kathie Tollifson wrote:
> Barb asks:
> >Amongst our Mirapex users, has anyone found that shortly after starting the
> >drug they developed continuous pain in their hip joints (or any other joints?)
> >
> >
> Barb,
> I didn't have hip problems, but I did experience fairly serious pain in my
> arms (wrists, forearms, hands). Also a lot of pain in my neck (okay, I know
> this is a set-up, but I'm serious). I stopped Mirapex about 3 weeks ago
> after reaching a 2.25 mgs/day dose, and I'm very glad I did. It just didn't
> work out for me.
> I believe the problem for me was that I couldn't take enough sinemet to
> correct rigidity in my hands,forearms, and neck without launching into
> totally off-the-planet dyskinesia. Also it affected my mood in ways I didn't
> like, and was a SERIOUS sleep-destroyer for me.
> So I am returned to a normally-abnormal condition. I have three friends here
> in Tucson using it, one attributes a car-wreck to same untreated rigidity
> condition. The other two say they are doing great.
> Kathie Tollifson
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