

On Thu 30 Oct, Nancy Burnham wrote:
> I have also wondered about the long term effect of Sinemet.  In the
> Annette Freeman story on the Internet she states" A UCLA study found that
> Sinemet actually causes the dopamine-producing brain cells to become toxic
> and die.  They may tell you that Sinemet lasts for about 5 years and then
> stops working, but that's not what's happening.  Whats happening is that
> Sinemet is killing off dopamine-producing cells in the brain."  I wonder if
> anyone has ever seen that study!!

Hello Nancy,  I have heard rumours about that study, but  have not succeeded
in finding a copy of the actual report. If anyone has a copy, or even the
abstract I would like to see it.

Even though I have not seen the report, it does seem to me that the
generally available evidence seems to be incompatible with such claims.

Consider: The brain loses 80% of its dopamine-producing cells before the
symptoms of PD become evident, and of course before we start taking levodopa,
so we can't blame that on levodopa.

When you say that Sinemet lasts for about 5 years and then stops working is
that an actual quote, or your interpretation of a quote, because I have to
tell you that it is so far from the truth that it's quite funny. I have
been taking Sinemet for the past 17 years, and it is still working.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>