

Here is a copy of the message I posted on the Johnny Cash webpage.

In February, 1964, my husband and I went to Niagara Falls for our
honeymoon so we could see Johnny Cash who has always been one of my
favourites. My husband still has his copy of Johnny Cash's first LP
released by Sun Records. Now, Mr. Cash and I have something in common.  We
both have Parkinson's. I was diagnosed in 1992 and have since started a
discussion list on the internet, Parkinson's Information Exchange Network,
([log in to unmask]). There are 1600 people on it who all have
an interest in Parkinson's. I'm not suggesting Mr. Cash subscribe
now...those of us who have received the diagnosis of pd know that it takes
time to adjust to it. Perhaps he could just keep my email address if or
when he wants to join.

Parkinson's is a progressive, neurological disorder that usually
progresses very slowly. There are many medications to control the
symptoms. There is a bill before the US government, The Morris Udall Bill,
which is requesting $100 million dollars be earmarked for Parkinson's
research through the NIH. Please call or write your representatives and
ask them to support passage of the bill.

Mr. Cash, I am sorry you have Parkinson's.  But you have this diagnosis in
common with some special people...Billy Graham, Mohammed Ali,
Attorney-General Janet Reno and thousands of people whose names are not
well known. Each one of us knows the devastation the diagnosis brings.
Each one of us knows that, with time, comes acceptance. Each one of us on
the Parkinson List is willing to share information and support and humour
with others.

To quote the signature lines of two of our members: NEVER GIVE UP! FUND

Barbara Patterson

Barbara Patterson                               [log in to unmask]
HSC 2J22                                        905-525-9140, ext. 22403
                        School of Nursing