

hi barb m.

you wrote:
>... he thought he was having audio hallucinations.
>It seems that in the last coupla-three weeks, very late at nite,
>he's been hearing what he thinks is someone outside his home
>walking around the perimeter of the house and "fiddling around"
>at the windows and doors.  ....
>He has been on Sinemet and Permax for some time and asked his neuro
>if they could possibly cause audio hallucinations, and got a vague
>non-answer from the MD....

virtually all of the pd drugs
that we all know and love so well
that we toss into our brain chemical 'stew'
[bollito misto, anyone?]
can cause hallucinations as a primary side effect

per my old dictionary
hallucination =
an apparent perception as by sight or hearing
for which there is no real external cause

i note that you say he has been having these audio adventures
for the past few weeks

since pd tends to change slowly
that makes me wonder whether he made any change in his
med / diet / sleep / supplements / stress / etc levels
a few weeks ago?

i have re-posted my message on behaviour and symptoms
with an update to include your friend's symptom

your psycho-psyber-psys in brain chemistry


janet [log in to unmask]