

At 12:02  31/10/97 -0500, Fleurette Leonard wrote:
>Wanted to post to List Thursday after interview by Dr. Shulman on CBC Pamela
>Wallin Live from Toronto.9:00 p.m. -He has Parkinsons.

        I'm sorry I missed that program. I remember when Dr. Shulman was a
coroner in Toronto, and also when he was an MPP (a member of the Ontario
legislature.) He has always been a colourful man, and not afraid to speak
his mind, which is probably why I admired him, though many didn't/don't.
Kind of like our former Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau - perhaps not always
right, but willing to take a stand, and defend his position. I have a
biography of Dr. Shulman by Susan Kastner in which she said he experienced
his first Parkinson symptom in 1981.

>1. Says Deprenyl saved his life

He learned of Deprenyl which was being manufactured in Hungary in 1987, and
found that it "miraculously reversed his symptoms." He bought Canadian
rights to it, and formed a pharmaceutical company, and made the drug
available to Canadians, and made himself a lot of money.

>2. Gave his fortune $6,00c,000 to Parkinson Foundation, Toronto (after
>setting up his family with annuities)

In the book, Dr. Shulman says, "We have donated $5 million to the Parkinsons
Foundation ... I have turned over all my profits to The Toronto Western
Hospital and The Toronto Hospital Foundation."

>3. Was coroner, MP for NDP political party - to prove a point, he brought a
>gun to House of Commons to show  how easy it is to conceal a gun without
>being detected but (Caused quite a stir - everyone ducked) re: gun law

It wasn't just a gun, but a semi automatic rifle.

>4. kept twisting and rubbing his hands together (fairly advanced PD)

I saw him in 1995 at the AGM which was held in Toronto. His Parkinsons is
quite advanced, but he was able to walk up the steps to the platform and
make a short speech.

>5. says he has a cure for cancer but government not interested

I've heard this...

>6. said Parkinson Foundation not looking for a cure - WOULD LOSE BUSINESS

It sounds like something he might say.

>7. author - wrote book "How to make a million with $400" and others

He has written a book about Deprenyl, and another about his years as a
coroner, and others.
I'm really dating myself here, but the television program "Wojeck" was based
on his career as a coroner.
In 1969 he endorsed the legalization of marijuana.

As I said - a very colurful man. :)

Judith Richards
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