

Mary Legan wrote:
> Probably my situation isn't the same as Peter's, but this would be a good
> time for me to ask about my own "rash".  Actually, I guess there are two of
> them, & both have been present for a couple years -- with all the more
> serious stuff going on, I haven't asked the doc about this yet.  One involves
> a sunburn-like flush; if I press with my finger a white spot appears, then
> reddens over again. It's always present. This is especially prominent just
> below the front of my neck, but occurs on my arms, too, etc.  The other is on
> the front of my neck & is darker red blotches.  What it looks like to me is
> that I blew out some capillaries or something.  There's quite a bit of it.
>  Any ideas?  I take Sinemet, Paxil & Trazadone.
> In a message dated 10/30/97 12:14:37 PM, you wrote:
> <<Peter has been experiencing a new symptom of *something* for the past
> 3 weeks....a rash that appears on his arms (in the elbow area) and later
> on his hips, and seems to be spreading. In fact, I first noticed a big
> reddish/itchy/bumpy area on the top of his head, which the internist thought
> might be related to blepharitis.  Lots iof itching/scratching going on here,
> folks, and it isn't getting better.
> The only fairly recent change we could think of was that he had started to
> tAKE A MULTI-VITAMIN/MINERAL SUPPLEMENT, but I stopped it a week ago, and the
> rash is still spreading.  He has just started on ReQuip (ropinerole) as of
> yesterday, so that can't be to blame.
> Any suggestions?  Is a dermatologist the one to see? Have other PWPs had
> problems with rashes?  Any thoughts will be appreciated!
> He takes Sinemet ,Prozac, Trimethoprim(antibiotic for bladder infections),
> Lactulose, Propulsid, Florinef, & vitamin C.
> Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 79/8, Oxford,Ohio
> [log in to unmask]
> *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
> "Ask me about the CARE list for PD caregivers!"
> *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Dear Camilla & Mary:  Rashes can be caused by anything and everything.
Even Dermatologists, who are the ones to see, can only make an educated
guess in most situations.  Drugs docause rashes id a person is allergic,
but there are many other causes also, and should be investigated by an
expert, the Dermatologist.                      Jerry Starr,  RPh