

Kenneth McKeown wrote:
> Hi!  We joined up yesterday, thinking we might get a "review" of people's
> letters  overnight (we stipulated set PARKINSN DIGEST) and were somewhat
> overwhelmed to receive nearly 70 e-mails today!!  Where did we go wrong?
> Not that we're complaining...we are very excited at the thought of being
> able to communicate with so many fellow-sufferers around the world.
> However...we haven't time to read so many communications each day, so we'll
> have to go back to the drawing board on that one I guess.  In the
> meantime...our names are Liz and Ken McKeown and we are asparagus growers
> in New Zealand.  Ken has had PD for about 20 years...since he was 40.  Like
> many long-time sufferers he has mobility problems (not helped by constant
> back pain) and occasional freezing.  We are hoping to learn heaps from the
> parkinsn list.  Ken has already successfully tried the ginger ale tip we
> got from the internet a couple of weeks ago.  I hope we have sent this to
> the right's all a big learning curve for us folk from Down
> Under!  Regards, Liz and Ken McKeown ([log in to unmask])
Hi, Ken and Liz.  I too am new and was very interested in your reference
to Ginger Ale?  Do you mind sharing it with me.  Leslie