

Donna wrote:
>>> "Donna A. Bassolino" <[log in to unmask]>
11/05/97 05:46pm >>>
>>>There is a cough medicine that doesn't have the warning
about not to be taken with Parkinson's drug ...
I forget which one it is - but its the "vanilla" brand of that line
(i.e. no Xplus,DD,EM type label) ... ask your pharmacist -
>>>Do all of you get flu shots ?<<<
-                  Donna Bassolino-Klimas,  Ph.D.
                   Bristol Myers Squibb Pharma. Res. Inst.
                   Department of Macromolecular Structure
                   P.O. Box 4000    Room H3812
                   Princeton, N.J.  08543 4000

                   (609) 252 4413
                   INTERNET:  [log in to unmask]

Donna and others:
     Last year I did not get a flu shot and got sick.  My neuro
recommended 'Robitussin' pediatric - no additives that
interfere with MAO-inhibitor meds - BUT, it was largely
unsatisfactory in dealing with the various symptoms (aching
limbs, runny nose, sore throat) even at a dose per every two
     Vicks 'Vaporub', the steam humidifier, saline nasal spray,
lots of tylenol, lots of hot liquids (clear soup, tea with lemon)
and citrus juices, kept the symptoms at bay for four-five
days, until the flu resolved itself.
     This year I already got my flu shot AND I DO NOT
INTEND TO GET SICK!  If I do, my GP, M.D. promises
milder symptoms and a shorter bout.  We'll see.
    Stephan 53/7