

Dear List-family....

Has anyone here, in going off Mirapex (for whatever reason) experienced
withdrawal symptoms/problems of any kind that you can attribute directly TO
going off the Mirapex?

I've just spend a miserable three days (feeling very sorry for self) <pouting
prettily>, and suspect it's due to my going off Mirapex - cold-turkey - after
being on the drug for about 10 weeks.

I have had THE worst headache and nausea, plus the chronic, excruciating
bursitis pain in my left shoulder that heralded the onset of the PD in my left
side is back with a vengeance.   The bursitis had all-but-disappeared on it's
own by day 3 of my starting Mirapex - WITHOUT my having to get the usual
cortisone injection into the shoulder joint (and yes... I KNOW it's not good
to repeatedly get cortisone every few months, but the orthopedic surgeon at
Kaiser says this type of surgery is not all that successful on Parkies, plus
it requires months of physio-therapy).

It should be noted that in going off the Mirapex, the side-effects I got from
taking the new drug - the dyskenesia and pronounced "ons - off's" - have

Barb Mallut
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