

Hi Charles,

Thanks for your reply.

At 15:14 02/11/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I think you have acetylcholine and cholecystokinin mixed up.  I forget
>exactly what the later is but mI think its associated with the gall
>bladder and not a neurotransmitter.  I am stating this off the top of my
>head and med school was 26 years ago so I welcome correction or
>clarification if I am wrong.

I did wonder myself at first, because I am no expert, but I checked it out
before I wrote and it appears that cholecystokinin is involved in Parkinsons.

One source on Parkinsons is at the University of Southern California site:

Their web page
<> says:

            Drug therapy provides symptomatic relief and prolongs the period
            which a patient with Parkinson's disease is able to maintain an
            life. Several pharmacological classes are used, including
            agents, levodopa, dopamine agonists and MAO inhibitors.
Initially, a single
            agent is used when symptoms are mild. As Parkinson's disease
            drugs are generally used in combination to help improve the
            condition while minimizing adverse effects. Recent research is
focusing on
            antioxidants and CHOLECYSTOKININ antagonists in the search for
new and
            promising therapies.

By the way, I did not have a huge problem with the tomato soup, it was just
that the better spells seemed to coincide with "tomato soup free" periods.


Ernie Peters <[log in to unmask]>