

To Ken and others ref PD and insomnia.

Ken I am a retired service rep (IBM) and I know what you are talking
about with the music in most offices. I could tune it out when I was
deeply engrossed if my job, but when I got the equipment working and
relaxed with a cup of coffee, I then realized how awfull most of the
piped in music was.

To anyone who has PD and is not sleeeping well my suggestion is to tune
in to your local public radio station, most of them provide soothing
music with no commercials and a low key announcer. I  have spent
hundreds of nights listening and even if you cant sleep, you might enjoy
passing the time this way.

Also to Ken, amen on listining to live music vice recorded. I go to
twenty or thirty live cncerts a year, and recorded music has to be very
good to compete with that experience.

My sleep disturbance problem is compelety cured for now, but I had to
resort to Amatryptline to cure it, am on 25mg per day, for about three
months. It works very good for me, it did take a month for it to get
started. But if nothing else works try music and just say to yourself, I
am going to enjoy the night and lay back and relax

Lanier Maddux  62/2       Chattanooga Tn.
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