

Dear Kathrynne,
I have had much occurr since my last message.
 My Husband and I were helping our son move when he, my husband, began to
have chest tightening, shortage of breath and upset stomach. This
occurred at 3pm.
Saying nothing, he drove over 100 miles home to enter himself into the
hospital @7pm. Five years ago he had a quadruple bypass. Monday, he had
the balloon proceedure on the otherside.
 Needless to say, I have had my hands full with a traveling executive,
now regretting making the decision to retire in a moment of anger, who
has turned into a recluse. I told him: we are living in a warehouse. He
at one end and me in the other with furniture stored in the middle. We
have 4 children, the youngest a college junior.

......"The more you have in life the more you have to pay."......

I have found with this latest hospitalization a measure of bonding by our
children with their father and I hope this will help him realize there is
life after death and a better life.
 And heal the rejection the children have felt from him.
 He was not here while they were growing up, but he did use his
checkbook. They are now making the attempt to break through the shield he
has covered himself with.
I feel like this is a chance to recapture the love he and I had early on
before life became so hectic.
I always said;" He was the most interesting man I knew". But now I
realize the word should be Love not interesting man. I love him, esp. his
weaknessess, because they are my strengths. I feel like the Holy Spirit
is directing us. I surely have prayed for a reconcillation within our
family. Making my desease, which started the erruption, and other things
to so complicate and disrupt us, soo--- unfortunate leading to a possible
break down of the family.
 I have felt about writing about this situation which relates to others
who have walked away, went thru the trama of the breakdown of the
family,ending in divorce and hate.
 <I was so distressed and saddened with hearing the various writers on
this service who are, have, or might separate and or moved into separate
living quarters.
I just did not want to become a staticic. I tried my faith route. I
tested my religious background to see if prayer, faith and practice would
help and so far the results have been so blessed so curing, healing. so
 I am never alone beause I am on auto pilot, the Holy Spirit is with me.
How do I know? Because I prayed to have this happen,to give over and I
would do what was asked. In addition I could relate so many wonderful
things that have happened to me these last 5 years, in the living of" MY
Troubles", as I refer to them.
Parkinsons disrupted my life, it because a cause for me to get a cure.
However, with the events I have listed. I found Parkinsons had to take a
back seat.I stopped praying for myself for a cure.
there are more important things to do. The nurthuring, a job under the
title of mother or mothering is on going. It is------once you are a
parent, you are a parent forever.
My life as a wife and mother is a career I am very fortunate to have had.
It is hard work.
Like a mother bird so devoted to sitting on the nest, feeding and
teaching to fly her young. This devotion is the stuff that is so
powerful. We are our brothers keeper and we need to love our neighbors.
There is nothing else as powerful as this.
------ money can not purchase this------- but giving of our selves can.
I believe the giving of ourselves can solve the impossible. And if needed
I can relate to you the various things that have occurred during the
times when I was so down that picked me up and gave me the energy to
contimue to follow thru.
Translated L___LOVE   & ----and    K-----kisses
Referencing our earlier correspomdance I would like you to identify me as