


Ya know, m'dear... I see you 'n Peter in kinda the same light I see our
astronauts.... Daring, observing, creative, courageous-beyond-belief...
with a touch of whimsy.

And Camilla, to YOU, especially, in the caregiver's role (or the pilot's
seat), when it'd be all too easy to throw up your hands, say "I've had enough
of this damn disease in my life," and then put Peter in a nursing home of the
rest of his life, well, you haven't done that..

You go one fighting the disease, and fighting the various drug side-effects as
they come.  And if you're not exactly winning the war, you DO win some of the

Ain't no steeeenkin' disease gonna beat you or your dear fella if YOU can help


I salute you both, Peter and Camilla... and I love you both for being such
inspirations to us all.

With love....

Barb Mallut
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