

hi gang have selected this web site
as one of their 'picks of the week'

since stephen hawking's right up there on my hero list
[along with a certain flash in lima]
i wanted to let you all know about it

i haven't even visited the site yet;
what faith i have!!

It occurs to us that Stephen Hawking's Universe is the same as
everyone else's. So why does his seem so much more fascinating? It's
doubtless due to the fact that Mr. Hawking, a theoretical physicist,
has devoted his life to "probing the space-time described by general
relativity and the singularities where it breaks down." For more on
this (anti) matter, visit the PBS site dedicated to the brilliant man
and his work. You can read about the long unsolved mysteries (such as
"Is Time Travel Possible?"), learn about history's cosmological
superstars (Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Einstein, among others), and have
all of the truly strange stuff explained. Do black holes really exist?
We like to think so. Is there such a thing as imaginary time? Our
managers suspect so. Does this lend a certain gravity to our
situation? Yes, indeedy. The site accompanies a TV series of the same
name. Check out both; they're -- how shall we say it?  -- cosmic.

from your universal cyber-sis

janet planet

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