

Thanks so much for your efforts--as it happens, Barb Patterson fwd the
post to me, as she had saved it!  When I read it to Peter, he got kinda
choked up, and mumbled that he "didn't deserve it", which is par for the
course with this sweet, modest guy.  But of course he DOES deserve it!
I must tell you that it was *especially* lovely to have your message, in that
it came from YOU---that was the "icing on the cake" :-)
I've been so glad that your pallidotomy was successful, not to mention
your collagenated vocal chords--that's good stuff that YOU deserve....
Thanks again, and now I have your address.

Camilla                              [log in to unmask]
       *   In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,              *
       *       implicit and invisible as roots.                  *