

In a message dated 97-11-11 03:59:17 EST, you write:

Hi Emily,

You wrote
<< I don't know what kind of business you had to sell, but wasn't this a
 life change?  I think classification of phases and types of pd can be useful
 for comparison of treatment results (and also for some reason comforting.)
  Still, I do admire your attitude and activity and wish my mother was
 retirement so fulfilling. >>

 I had a wholesale giftware business.  In addition to running the company, my
partner and I designed new items twice a year in time for the gift shows.  We
also helped out  with production when things got busy.  My problem was I
couldn't keep up with the   demands of the business. The more stressful
things got, the slower I became             After we sold the business I had
a period of adjustment, then began to enjoy the freedom.    When I finally
adjusted to retirement, I was diagnosed with PD and began another period of
adjustment.  I don't know how long your mother's been diagnosed with PD,

dealing with change takes time.  Hopefully, she will become more active when
                      she comes to terms with PD.

<< My mom was diagnosed after what in retrospect seems several years of
 gradually increasing symptoms and started on sinemet right after dx.  I've
 been wondering about Mirapex because I hear such great things here, but also
 hear of some really rough reactions to it.  Does anyone know statistics on
 it? >>

I don't know of any statistics on Mirapex, but just from observation, it
seems that half the people posting on this list have good results and half
discontinue because of side effects. (Very unscientific conclusion on my

Good luck to you and your mom.