

At 08:00 AM 11/3/97 -0500, you wrote:
>This really caught my eye as my dad, 80/10, has always had cold hands. At
>his last nero visit the doc was wondering if there wasn't something else
>going on with him besides PD. He did blood work to rule out a form of
>myasthenia gravis, which turned out negative. His major symptons are loss
>of speech, excessive drooling and severe swallowing problems ( he has a
>PEG tube). He started Mirapex yesterday so we'll see what happens with
>that. I would welcome any info on MSA. Is it treated differently than PD?
>Thanks in advance. Marcia
>Hi Marcia, You might want to check out the Shy-Drager support group. These
are some of the syptoms my husband Dan has. Here's the URL.

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