

Twent y-one! Great!

I had hoped  that  Polly  would  have succeeded  in E-mailing  the full
press  release  to  you  by  now,  but  her  second  effort  apparently
went  out  for  reasons unknown  in  encoded  gibbeerish. Is  that what
you  received?

When you do get it, why not send  a  copy to each of the 21  as  a
fuller  description of the Rutland Regional PSG  about which you  wrote
them  earlier (on the 7th or 8th). That brief earlier note should
simply  inform  them of the  existence of the new PSG and  its
inaugural  meeting  on Thursday, November 13
at Trinity Episcopal Church, 85 West Street in downtown Rutland,
starting  at  2 PM  -- an infomal  get-together to get acquainted, do
some  relaxed networking, and hear what a prominent Parkie,  Jim Maurer,
has to say about exciting  break throughs  in  research which promises
to  yield treatments that  --  for the   first  time  ever --  will
actually  stop the progression of the Disease.  You could suggest that
they   notify individuals about the November   meeting
before            mentioning  it   the  next  time  their full flock  is
cong regated.  Maurer,  by the way, is  a Board  Member  of APDA  as
well as President of its Massachusetts  Chapter.  Anyone wishing  to
attend on the 13th or   who needs  further  infor-    mation should
contact me at:

                                Meadowsweet Herb Farm
                                Shrewsbury,   VT  05738
                                Phone/Fax 802/492-3566                                                                                                  [log in to unmask]

Please send me the list  of 21,  if  you would.

                                PARKIES     HAVE    MORE    FUN !!