

I had asked a friend PhD neurobiologist to respond to a query in this forum,
which should be shared by those who might be interested.
with love and 'Carpe Diem'
Subj:   dopamine synthesis regulation

 Dear Baldwin Robertson,
        Your question on dopamine synthesis regulation was forwarded to me
 by Michel Margosis.  I've been out of the field for a while, and may not be
 up to date on the latest advances, but I think I can help introduce you to
 the basics.  I hope that the following information can be of some use to
 -   SR

 Dopamine synthesis is regulated by a number of different mechanisms:

 1)     Tyrosine Hydroxylase is subject to end-product inhibition by free
 dopamine within the nerve terminal.  Dopamine exerts this feedback
 inhibitory action by competing  with the cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin for
 its binding site on the tyrosine hyroxylase molecule.  This same inhibitory
 action can also be exerted by the dopamine metabolite commonly
 referred to as DOPAC (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid,  aka
 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylaldehyde).  However, in the human brain,
 (in contrast to other animals) DOPAC levels are normally very low,
 and thus DOPAC may not have this effect physiologically in humans.

 2)     Dopamine released from neurons can inhibit tyrosine hydroxylase
 activity indirectly, by acting at receptors located  on the presynaptic
 terminals of dopaminergic neurons.  Chemical "second messengers" generated
 within the dopaminergic neuron in response to the binding of dopamine to
 the extracellular portion of its receptor mediate this effect, but, as far
 as I know, the details of the molecules involved and the mechanism of
 tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition have not been worked out.   These
 presynaptic receptors which regulate dopamine synthesis (and also dopamine
 release) contribute to the maintenance of normal functioning during the
 preclinical stages of Parkinson's disease, when symptoms are not observed
 despite dramatic losses of dopaminergic cells.  As dopaminergic neurons
 die, the temporarily reduced levels of extracellular dopamine result in
 reduced activation of the presynaptic receptors on remaining dopaminergic
 neurons, and thus reduced inhibition of dopamine synthesis and release from
 these neurons.   The result is  a greater dopamine synthesis in and release
 from the remaining dopaminergic neurons, which compensates for the reduced
 number of dopamine - releasing neurons, and helps maintain extracellular
 dopamine levels at near normal levels until dopaminergic cell loss becomes

 3)     During periods of increased activity of the dopaminergic neurons,
 tyrosine hydroxylase may be converted to a state which has a higher
 affinity for its cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin, and a lower affinity for the
 end product inhibitor dopamine.  This kinetic conversion involves a
 phosphorylation of the tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme.  Since the levels of
 the cofactor are limiting to the synthetic reaction, the increase in the
 enzyme's affity for the cofactor will result in an increased synthesis of
 dopa and therefore of dopamine.  This mechanism likely comes in to play in
 late stages of Parkinson's Disease, when endogenous dopamine levels are
 reduced to less than five percent of normal, and those dopaminergic neurons
 remaining fire at an increased rate.

 4)     It has been suggested that an increased expression of tyrosine
 hydroxylase protein  may also result from the prolonged increases in the
 firing activity likely to occur in remaining dopaminergic neurons during
 late stages of Parkinson's Disease.  To my knowlege, however, (which is
 admittedly incomplete), this suggestion is based on experiments performed
 in peripheral tissues, such as the adrenal medulla, and has not, at this
 point been demonstrated to occur in brain dopaminergic neurons.