

    My wife, Cecily 77/20+ has been on Mirapex now for about 2  months. Now
taking no sinemet at all. Mirapex dosage - 1mg morning, 1.2 mg at noon and 1
mg at 4-5 P.M.. Very little dyskinesia many days and practically no
freezing. Other medication is Tamoxifen (had lumpectomy 1 yr.. ago ) Her
problem (besides me) is, I guess one could call it hallucinatory, is time
mix-up. The other day, Tues, I think  she woke me from my morning nap at
10.30 AM, she was all dressed up and wanted to know if I was going to
church -  today, Sunday, she came out dressed in everyday clothes and was
surprised when I asked her if she was going to church. She didn't say what
day she thought it was and doesn't remember. Fortunately we had time for her
to change and we made it OK.
Is this as bad as the hallucinations get or is more coming???????
Bob Anibal CG for the nicest gal that ever was. Our 56th anniversary comes
up on New Years Eve