

<<  Reading your message above I am not so sure that your stage may be
considered as
"very mild" and I wonder if you go for dopamine would'nt that cause a very
result in improving your symptoms. >>

Joao Paulo,

I think my neuro considers my stage very mild because, at this point, none
off my symptoms are debilitating.  I do a lot of volunteer work, take an
aerobics class 3 times a week, garden, paint watercolors and travel with no
problems.  My life has not changed in any way, except that I try to take a
nap every afternoon.

As for Dopamine, I'm one of the group that believes that Dopamine should be
delayed as long as possible.  As long as my symptoms don't interfere with my
life, I'd rather just take meds that are neuroprotective and leave Dopamine
until later.

You may be interested to know that my neuro told me that the Parkinson's
Institute is planning a blind study on Dopamine use in newly diagnosed
patients.  One group will take no Dopamine, one group will take a low dosage
and one group will take a high dosage.  That may help to resolve the question
of Dopamine/no Dopamine once and for all.
