

Barb asks:
>Has anyone here, in going off Mirapex (for whatever reason) experienced
>withdrawal symptoms/problems of any kind that you can attribute directly TO
>going off the Mirapex?

I went off Mirapex by titrating down from 3x3 per day to 2x3 the next day
and 1x3 the next then ground zero. Like jumping out of a plane. Mirapex had
caused me so many mood problems that as the fog cleared I felt like I had
been given my life back! Whew! I looked back on the ordeal with disbelief.

I did find immediately however what parlodel and mirapex had been doing for
me as I was finally using no agonist, and had to bump my sinemet by probably
30-40% or so. I'm still trying to get used to taking my meds BEFORE I go
off, since now off means off. No more graceful slide into the goo, the goo
turns to cement in about 10 minutes.

I have decided to pass on all dopamine agonists for the moment and sleep for
a few months. I have started on NADH again, as that always has an
agonist-type effect on me, and I have overcome the sleep problems that it
caused initially.

Kathie Tollifson
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