

Good one,'s another...

A man and his wife, both avid golfers, are watching TV one nite.  Out
of the blue, the wife asks, "If I died, would you remarry?".  The husband,
after thinking a minute, says "Yes, I don't want to be alone."

After a while, the wife asks "Would you and your new wife live in this
house?"  The husband, after thinking a minute says, "Yes, this house is paid
for and I like it."  The wife grumbles a little.

Later, the wife asks, "Would you use our same bed?"  The husband quickly
says "Oh yes, the bed is new and I love it."  The wife grumbles even more.

The wife now visiably upset asks the husband, "Would you let her use
my golf clubs?"  The husband, without hesitation, says "No, she is left

At 02:05  10/11/97 -0500, Elizabeth Southwood wrote:
>The Golfer...
>A golfer and his buddies where playing a big round of golf for $200.  At
>the eighteenth green the golfer needed to sink a ten foot putt to win the
>round and the $200.