

On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Charles T. Meyer wrote:

> UDDERLY Ridiculous-
> We better stop trying to KId ourselves before it gets my goat.  Lets
> stop these Baaaad puns and Moooooove along before someone tells us (what
> had been suggested several years ago to go on our licence plates from
> americas dairyland.)  Smell our dairy air.

Ken, John, and Charlie..."dairy air" is sooooo FRANZ....SAY!

How about a little more bovine levity TO GO....

A farmer is  milking his cow and as he is milking, a fly comes along and
flies into the cow's ear.  And a little bit later, the farmer notices the
fly in the milk.  The farmer says. "Hmph. In one ear, out the utter."

Klara N.