


        We'd be delighted if you would join the group on the l3th! It  totally
escaped me that the New York  State border  is a lot closer  to Rutland
than are a lot of places in Vemont we hope to serve, fool that I am. Do
you know   of other
Parkies or Carepartners near you who might like to be with us on the
3th? (Please  note that we have adopted Jim  Maurer's word Carepartner
in lieu  of
taker  and giver -- a more appropriate title and one which       gives
richer and more meaningful import to the acronym PWP! Which brings to
question of which  YOU  are and whether you will have company on your
trip  from  G lens Falls;  we'd like to know in advance how  many are
coming  .)  Later  on, perhaps you could help us publicize the Rutland
Regional PSG through  newspapers,  doctors, nurses and other outlets as
we have done in Vermont.
        I apologize for my delay in responding.   Things have been very hectic,
as you  might imagine.   If you need any more information about the
meeting , please let me know.  By the way, do you have a fax?

