

Hello Janet,

  I thank you for your honest explanation and agree with the careful and
educated approach you suggested to Claudia for undergoing pallidotomy.  The
truth is that most patients should begin suffering from Levodopa Failure
Syndrome (LDFS) before they or their MD should ever consider pallidotomy.  I
would, however, like to express that we are unsure if Parkinson's symptoms
continue to progress after pallidotomy.  I have seen 3 or 4 year follow-ups from
Dr. Iacono's patients, with the vast majority looking like they did after
surgery.  There is a great deal of research going on right now to evaluate this,
but until now, we don't know if there is a progression.  You also asked for
pointers to the types of PD.  I think I listed a link to an Iacono published
paper at but will see if I can't find anything better I will
explain it myself.  Thanks cyber-sis!


>hi fatta
>you wrote:
>>I would just like to give my opinion on this matter,
>>as an individual looking from the outside of PD in
>>and having seen hundreds of patients undergo pallidotomy
>>and essentially regaining a life they thought was gone forever.
>>I tend to be one of those skeptics that shuns alternatives
>>which seem too good to be true, but this is one case where
>>I have seen the results for my self (As Thomas did).
>i hope i didn't give the impression
>that i doubted the effectiveness of pallidotomy:
>it's been proven effective in reducing
>certain symptoms in certain patients
>particularly those who have trouble
>with symptomatic control using standard medical therapies
>your words "...regaining a life they thought was gone forever...."
>describe the emotional 'high' that pall-ees justifiably feel
>when they lose debilitating symptoms
>but that "forever"
>is still lurking in the background since
>they still have parkinson's disease
>and it is still progressing
>as an 'insider'
>profoundly affected by this game and its strategies
>i was concerned that claudia seemed to be considering surgery
>only a month or two after her PD diagnosis
>and when her symptoms are under control
>the only time i may have considered
>anything to do with pallidotomy "too good to be true"
>was when the marketing of it seemed to have little reference
>to the entire context of parkinson's disease
>and all of its potential treatments
>at the pubmed site
>as an example of what i mean by context, i found:
>references to parkinson's disease       approx 6,000
>references to pd surgery                approx   800
>references to pallidotomy               approx   100
>references to pallidotomy + dr.iacono   approx    10
>your cyber-sibling [nine years, scar-free, and salary-free to boot]
>janet [log in to unmask]