

Barbara Brock wrote:
> Anyone,
> Is there a way of getting to the full text of the article when you find
> something on PubMed?  What I mean is can I get into Lancet?  Must I go to a
> medical library for this?
> Thanks.
> Barb Brock
> [log in to unmask]

Janet Paterson likely will have a better answer, as I use PubMed only
incidentally, not fulltime: PubMed, which provides free access to the
database Medline, depends on the generosity of publishers. Scientific
journals are very costly to produce, as are subscription fees. They
usually provide abstracts as a "free sample" to get individuals or
institutions to subscribe. Occasionally they will release an article,
usually editorial, but often not even the abstract. Short pieces such
as letters to editor have none to begin with. Most of the journals
have their own websites, but release policy varies. Some are merely
promotional, some (e.g., Science) demand a regular or supplementary
subscription, but some of the more esoteric (e.g., Journal of
Neuroscience) provide any article in full on request.
Since I use PubMed to scan current material, I begin by requesting only
the table of contents. From there I can see if there is an available
abstract, or if I must visit a "real" library having printed copies.
BTW, while not very strictly enforced, national and international
copyright laws still exist, and should be respected. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013