

hi nancy

waaaay back on 97/11/08 -0500, nancy, or sumwun posing as same, wrote:
>I am a Swedish Ameerican and while growing up that
>culture was instilled in me.  Although I have Shy Dragers
>and not PD, I know for a fact that my "feistiness" and
>kindness towards others... Attitude plays a signifant role..

i had a bit of a quibble with the article
since it mentioned 'willpower' and 'confidence'

my experience with clinical depression [cd]
has taught me that 'willpower'
has no bearing on
getting out of a clinical depression

cd can be an insidious creeping chemical fog
that smothers all [serotonin based?]
willpower and self-confidence

since cd is commonly and tragically undiagnosed in elders
it seemed to me that, in a subtle way,
the article was furthering the false notion
that 'pulling yourself up by the bootstraps'
is all you need to be 'successful'
in the context of the article which compared
'successful' independent-living feisty elders
with 'declining' nursing-home-dependent elders

but that's only my opinion
i could be wrong

your cybber-sibbling in quibbling


janet [log in to unmask]