

hi joao paulo

you wrote:
>...what is the precise meaning of  the word "feistiness" ?=20
>...It is not in the Webster Dic...

according to one of my favourite reference sites on the web:
        Research-It! - Your one-stop reference desk

FEISTY [adjective]  feist=B7i=B7ness [noun]
1 chiefly Southern & Midland=20
        a : full of nervous energy
        b : being touchy and quarrelsome=20
        c : being frisky and exuberant
2 : having or showing a lively aggressiveness : SPUNKY

i believe that the use of the word in the news article=20
was intended as 'lively aggressiveness' or 'spunky'

and since 'spunkiness'=20
is list-sibling ron vetter's favourite concept:

SPUNKY [adjective]   spunk=B7i=B7ness [noun]
1 : full of spunk : SPIRITED

spirited, or 'full of spirit'...
so of course, i had to 'dig' further:

SPIRITED [adjective]   spir=B7it=B7ed=B7ness [noun]
1 : full of energy, animation, or courage

the same web site also offers instant translations=20
of many words into many languages

English =3D     spirited
Spanish =3D     gallardo
Italian =3D     animoso

thanks for asking joao paulo
i've learned something too

your cyber-sibling


janet [log in to unmask]