

janet, I guess I was almost  taken in by the folksy style of Mark Hughes,
glad you were ever vigilent.  It makes it bad for people like me. I have
invented a product that cures all major diseases within 4 minutes of  being
swallowed, but it also polishes silver, cleans clogged sings drains,  and
 reformats computer hard drives, simultaneously. It is a natural product made
from common house dust and hydrocloric acid. I make no money from selling the
product, I give it away free.  If anyone would want a lifetime supply, just
send a money order for $75,000.00 for shipping and handling, to my P.O. box
666.  If you have any problems getting the product, or want to return it,
send it to my Complaints Manager, Helen Wait. Yes, if you want a refund, go
to ..Hellen Wait! :-)