

Dear Jim,

        Let me add my name to the list of your admirers of the work you did to
win passage of Udall. As you may recall, I came late  in the game --
only  the start of this year  -- and the little  I  was able to
contribute owes much to  your hard- nosed (and often hard-earned)
perception of the barriers we faced.  Again and ag.ain it was  you and
only  you  who laid the cards on the table, so that when it was
important to face up to the unvarnished  truth I automatcally turned to
you. A good example is your warning about NINDS attitude toward Udall
and your memorble and useful quote of Zach Hall damning earmarking  of
funds for PD research. As far as I could see, nobody else bothrered to
ask him  what he felt, yet it was  this that presaged -- and may even
have fostered --  Senators  Jeffords' and (Turn)Coats' attack on our

      While  I'm  at it,  I  thought your response the other day to
"bbanderson" was more than adequate. What did you  think  of mine to
gloom-and-doom "jrbruman"? In his reply  to my critique,  Mr. Bruman
abandoned his attack  on  Udall-fostered  clinical  research as being
useless and focused solely on  NIH as
being   untrustworthy! Or at least that's how  I read it.

       This dictation technology is intriguing. I'm a lousy typist, and
apparently  with this apparatus your voice replaces your fingers.
Roughly  how   much  does  it  cost? And would it work with a Parkie
like me whose voice is a whisper? If so, watch out world!

       On  that same subject, what do you know about voice amplifiers
for ordinary conversation? For use  in  telephoning? We  held our first
meeting of the Rutland Regional PSG  on the l3th; it attracted some 35
people and thanks to guest speaker Jim Maurer was a huge success,  but
my own contributions  were severely  limited owing to my unvocal chords.

      Before closing I want to pay special tribute to an unsung  hero
of  the four-year  Udall battle,   the indefatigueable,  incomparable
Charlie  Richards!  As  Joan
Samuelson will testify,  Charlie tromped the  halls of  Congress and in
every other  way  threw  himself into the fray with  an  infectuous
enthusiasm that galvanized everybody privileged to work with him. He has
recently taken a turn for  the worse,  and I  assume that's why he was
abse nt  from the signing  ceremony. It would be a shame if he wasn't
invited;  he  deserved to be at the
White House as much as anybody,  with the obvious exception of Joan

         Your confession to crying  easily as a trait of  PD  was music
to my ears,  Jim!  Of  late  I 've found that  I  can't talk  about  a
beautiful piece of music  or a beautiful  act of kindness  or
generosity  without tears  brimming  and  the  necessity of stifling  a
sob; it's good to know  I'm not alone in this!

        I'll bet dollars to doughnuts  that  you  wore to the White
House  that  outrageous  PD  cap you  handed out  at  the PAN meeting
last  April in  Washington.  I would give my eye teeth to have seen

        My own cap  is off  to  you,  Mr.  Cordy.

                                                                                Cheers,     Elliott