

TO: Bev Steward                 Bev - It is so nice to see you
    our poet laureat            back on the List. You've been missed!

I'm responding to your post to join with you and Joyce in the singing of
Symmetrel praises.  I have been taking 100mg of Symmetrel 3 X day for nine
years and I would hate to have to do without it because without it,
Sinemet just doesn't do it's job of alleviating my pd symptoms.  If I miss
taking Symmetrel a few times... I crash!.... the Sinemet does not uphold
me.  The main side effect that I attribute to Symmetrel is a dry, sticky,
yuckky-tasting mouth (most pronounced in the morning) and I also occas-
ionally experience blurred vision and slightly swollen ankles.  Unlike
Ken, Symmetrel (or any other drug) does not give me depression.

I know of quite a few others who have enjoyed long-term effectiveness
with Symmetrel, when combined with Sinemet.  I am happy that Joyce has
received such wonderful results with it!  By-the-way, I haven't had a
cold or the flu in over ten years..(just another "good thing" about

I hope you will continue contributing to the List, Bev, because your
pd story covering almost a half-century is such an inspirational one that
I know you will provide encouragement to all the newby's who join us here.

Kindest Regards, Jan
[Janice Long 54/19]