

Hi. I'm Bob Anibal, 79, CG for wife Cecily 77/20+. She is coming along
nicely now only on Mirapex. It has always been a joy caring for her as she
did so much caring for me over the years - now she's doing it again.I had a
flu shot Mon 11/10 and on Tues I was one sick puppy, from there it just got
worse, today, Sun I am starting to snap out of it a little. Still
unbevielably  weak, just turning over in bed is exhausting. Neighbors
helping out ( she doesn't drive). She keeps checking to see if I want
anything. Going in for Pulmonary system evaluation Thurs, if I can, so the
next time you see me I may be carrying my own little private bottle.
Love to you all from We2
Bob Anibal [log in to unmask]