

On Sun, 16 Nov 1997, Jeremy Browne wrote:

> Not all cowboys were good, not all injuns were bad!
> any other righteously indignant people, let ME decide whether to read,
>believe (yes, and try) Mark Hughes' ideas, or  even yours! I'm a big
>Boy, and I don't like to have others make up my mind for me. And if I
>make a fool of myself, well, so be it!

IMHO...Mark's postings were not being deceptive.  It was obvious, he
was trying to interest the list in buying something or other.  It was not
offensive to me. After all, aren't we all selling ourselves a bit here?
Besides a historic bill being signed at the White House the other day,
weren't politicians and other dignitaries doing their form of personal

How about the high prices of drugs used for PK. People like Mark
don't make Gene and I get irate. Rather, it's the high price of the drugs
used for PK.  Fortunately, we manage to have a reasonably comfortable
lifestyle. However, if drug prices were lower it certainly would be
beneficial for a lot of people struggling financially.

It's fantastic that the Udall bill was finally passed!  But how much of
those monies will be squandered due to medical-bureaucratic waste.
Hopefully, a cure is around the corner. I will support any politician who
can see beyond their own pockets of opportunity. But then again, isn't
that why we elect them to political office? Besides working towards
finding a cure, let's take on those drug companies.

Klara N.