

My name is Barbara-75/28.  I am new to the PD List but not new to PD.  I
was diagnosed with Parkinsons in 1985, but I am sure I had it long
before that.  I tried to get a passport in 1969 and couldn't sign my
name.  I had occasional problems with a shaky right hand from then on.
I used to wear a sling on my arm when I went shopping to use my charge
cards.  I saved my husband lots of money because I didn't shop very
much.  I was still able to play golf though and was very active.  I have
had to give up golf lately because of the dyskinesia.  I never know when
the off time is going to hit me.  I try to stay active with some
aqua-aerobics, but it isn't easy.

I was put on Sinemet in '85 and have been taking it ever since.  I have
always been diagnosed with "mild Parkinsons", but nowadays it doesn't
seem so "mild" to me.  Of course the fact that I am now 75 could have
something to do with my aches and pains. I am taking three 50/200
Sinemet CR 3x a day.  I have also been on Mirapex for the last 6 weeks.
I have mixed emotions about Mirapex.  It seems to be giving me more
energy but my aches and pains are more acute.  I was started out on the
.125 dosage and told to build it up to 1.5mg. per day.  I am stuck on a
.25mg. twice a day.  I am leary of increasing the dosage because of the
side effects.  Insomnia is a big problem for me and so is constipation.
(Not many of you mention constipation but I have a "recipe" given to me
by a nurse.  Mix 1 cup of prune juice with 1 cup of applesauce and 1 cup
of oat bran.  Take as 1 tbsp as needed.   Sounds awful but tastes pretty
good.  I keep mine in the fridge.)  Now if I just had a recipe to cure

I love to read everyones messages and expecially the jokes.  It is such
fun to laugh.

Barbara Robinson   ([log in to unmask])