

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   28  deg. F
Hi Bev and Barbara,

I have been asked just recently to help teach long-term care of at-home
Parkinson's at the University of New England/Westbrook College School of

I would start this spring.
Your thoughts are very helpful in thinking about how to handle this
wonderful opportunity.

Thanks for all you both do.


On Tue, 18 Nov 1997 12:47:22 -0500 MRS BEV K STEWARD
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Dear Barbara,
>You are to be commended for your thoroughness. Your glossary will be
>very helpful to the students.  When I have lectured to the Nursing
>students at our local Junior College I usually try to zero in on
>things I think the staff will not have covered.  Since I am not a
>nurse but a person with PD I tell them some of the ideosyncracies
>that are rarely mentioned in textbooks, such as not being able to do
>something you have done before at any given moment, how to help
>someone who freezes, the mask of PD covering the emotions and the
>need to try to see beyond it, the need for help with fine finger
>coordination efforts such as opening containers in a hospital
>situation.  The need for medication at absolute times for long term
>patients in hospital. The dangers of multiple medications and their
>interactions.  The problems with chewing and swallowing and the need
>for attention by physical therapists in hospital to the patient's
>medication regimen for best results.  These are just a few of the
>points.  Our support group has a RN/PD patient team who go to health
>institutions (hospitals, nursing homes, retirement full-care units,
>rehab centers, etc.) and do in-service training.  They are in much
>demand.  Some of the places have video taped our program so that we
>do not have to keep returning to educate the turnover staff.  Our
>city's Visiting Nurses' organization supplies the RN as a volunteer
>and a knowledgeable person with PD fields questions that are more
>personal.  It makes for an enlightning program.
>We also have prevailed on our local Toastmasters and Toastmmistress'
>Clubs to provide a speaker for our Speakers' Bureau whom we train
>carefully about PD.  They then go to the local service clubs (Lions,
>Elks etc) and present a program introducing PD..  We send a
>knowledgeable  person with PD along to field the questions.  The
>response has been excellent.  We believe in educating the public!
>Too bad you and the Neurologist weren't informed more carefully of
>your roles ahead of time.  Better luck next time.  Thanks for all you
>do for this list service.  It is much appreciated.  God bless.
>Bev in CA