


You said...

"Barb (M) did you ever lean back in a chair, and feel like you were falling,
but then you catch yourself, just in time?  ...That's how I feel ALL THE
TIME! (That's a Steven Wright joke, but some days, it's no joke!  Ken B"

Yup.... I've certainly done that, Ken... That's so mundane and... and .. and
HUMAN that I betcha everyone's done it at some time or another.

But HEY - I don't picture that happening to YOU very often.   No sireeee...
YOU I've pictured living an exciting and dangerous life on the razor's edge!
(kinda like James Bond)  <puzzled look on Ken's face as he wonders how
ANYBODY'D ever get THAT impression of HIM) <giggle>

You prolly wanna know how come I see ya that way, right?  Well, sorry...
but it's a SECRET!  <wee smirk>

(Ken wanders into the bathroom, stands in front of the mirror and practices
saying, "My name is Bond.  JAMES Bond....") <LOL>

Barb Mallut
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