

Edythe,  My husband has been taking aricept for about four months now with
wonderful improvement in his cognitive functioning. He, however, is unusual
in many of his symptoms and his responses to different drugs. It is my
understanding  that aricept increases acetylcholine in the system and  can
therefore reduce the available dopamine in the system. Since nasal stuffiness
is one of the symptoms of PD, it would seem to me that the aricept might be
the culprit for your husband and perhaps especially when he has a meal with
protein in it which also seems to cut back on dopamine. We noticed mental
improvement within a week of starting aricept, so I would assume if it hasn't
helped your husband yet, it won't. As I said, we were the exception to the
 fact that aricept is contraindicated for PD.  Barbara Smith, CG/Ken/69/16