

Day 6  REQUIP set back

4 AM woke up  more on than off.  Read list messages for one hour and went
back to bed and fell asleep for three more hours. This is something I almost
never can do.

Took  .50 mg requip and 1 sinemet 25/100 about 4:30 AM when I had no
intentions of going back to sleep

8 AM woke up with a bad headache and half on half off  took 1 sinemet

Though out the day the bad headache has continued.  As I compose this article
it is 5:50  PM and my on and off state has remained the same.  I have
remained half on and half off all day.  My left foot has been turning in and
toes curling under for first time since I started requip. Left arm tremors I
have had several occasions  in fact almost all day

What a difference from yesterday. I had almost decided to stop increasing
requip as I was satisfied with extending my off periods from 2 ¾ hours to 4 ½

I wonder if I am waiting too long to take next dose of sinemet. I have been
waiting till I started to go off to measure the effective ness of requip.
Going to take sinemet at 4 hours 15 min intervals for a few days.

Also getting to be major concern is pulse rate now at 48/min. Is my headache
related to slow heart beat???

11 AM took second dose of the day of requip .50mg and I sinemet.  Half off
 half on  stuck in neutral.

1: 30 TOOK SINEMET.  Trapped at Mall in off condition and felt needed booster
to drive home.  Not much help

6; PM taking sinemet as still half and half.

I may have taken a sinemet about 3  PM  I do not remember fell a sleep about
three for 2 hour nap.

Dale Severance