


Oddly, we must have seen different reports. Several PD Digest
subscribers say that they saw a TV report praising CoEnzyme Co-Q10. The TV
report that I saw (ABC Network News?), noted that an article in the
New England Journal of Medicine reported that the heart muscle appears to
be noticeably helped via a dosage (didn't say how over how long a stretch
of time) of vitamins C & E at 20 times the US RDA amount.

As for CoEnzyme Q10 -- It never fails to amaze me how these "exciting new
findings" about CoEnzyme Q10 and other such supplements/enzymes/etc.
"suddenly"  hit the major news media, as though the information & research
about these items was just now miraculously stumbled upon -- when, to the
contrary, much research has already been done & written about them
(usually in the "complementary medicine field" but often also in the
established medical literature), going back quite some time.

At least 1&1/2 years ago, for example, I started intensively seeking data
on alternative methods of protecting/strengthening the heart, combatting PD,
and more, and found, among other things, much good information recommending
CoEnzyme Co-Q10 (also known as Ubiquinone) for the heart & circulatory
system. It's also long been commonly claimed by many in the holistic
health field that high (meaning substantially higher than the US RDA)
doses of such vitamins as A, C, E, for example, can be very protective of
& beneficial to good health (including the immune system too), and an
important element in the body's ability to establish a barrier against
cancer. Yet, as I recall, it was only perhaps 1 or 2 years ago that the
American Cancer Society (or was it the AMA?) officially & for the first
time came out in praise of this combination of vitamins for combatting

My own research (as a laymen) also leads me to believe that CoEnzyme
Co-Q10 can be very important for the heart. I've also already written, in
various prior PD Digests, what I've learned about various other
supplements etcetera that may, it has been claimed, be of benefit in
neurodegenerative disorders such as PD.

My suggestion for those who are interested is to do additional
internet-searching on your own and, if possible, to report even a synopsis
of your findings here in the PD Digest for all to consider. There are many
good internet search-engines you can access, to collect that data, such as,, infoseek,com, .

But above all, I would say, from my own personal experience, do not wait
for a report of some "amazing new finding" to trickle, laggardly, into the
major media; search diligently (as I'm sure that many of you already are
doing), be in the vanguard, and maybe some good new ideas will rapidly
turn up.

-- SJS