

My own thoughts were stirred this morning as I read Ivan's comments about our
faces and Jim's comments about deprivation of early morning hours with his
wife.  Barb's comments also echoed from a few days ago.......people don't
understand the impact, the symptoms.........the complexity of the
symptoms....and the frustrations of drug trials and tribulations.  The lack
of specialists and understanding in the medical community (what percentage of
patients do have access to the Centers of Excellence.........I travel 800
miles for MD appointments.

The issues of insurance coverage, longterm care, job related issues are all
so important to get out before the public in an understanding of what is
going to occur in the life of PD............the slowness of movement and
tremor are not to be belittled, but how many of us truly consider that those
are our major problems and concerns?   And yet, that seems to be the the
discussion..  The personal issue of the face of Parkinson's family is many still have children at home..........faces of the kids
who live with Parkinson's parent are poignant....their stories are real.  We
are families with Parkinson's......whether we are single, married, in a
relationship or leaning on our canes with only our cyberspace friends.
