

Well JEEEEEEZ, John.... it's obvious to ME that you're very gullible if you're

believing everything that ya read and hear 'bout L.A.!    Sheeeeesh!

HEY - I got news for YOU - there ain't no tanks in our schools (well, at least

there's none in the elementary schools) <grin>

And HECK - we haven't had any smog here in the Southland in YEARS!!  I know we

haven't because the city clean-air-agency is always telling us how clean our
air is now and THEY would NEVER lie to US, would they?!?   What we DO have is
this terrific multi-colored AIR! <LOL>

Gotta get going now - time to get into my swim suit, slather on the suntan
oil, put my surfboard into the ol woody-wagon, and head on off to the beach.


Barb (aka Gidget) Mallut
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