

Ron wrote:
> >
> Actually, all I had in mind re obits was a pamphlet with suggested text
> ( "died of x after a long battle with parkinsons") and some explanatory
> text about the need for visibility of parkinsons.

I think this is, of itself, a good idea and well worth implementing as
part of a wider campaign.  It would certainly raise PD awareness
in that part of the population which reads the obits pages and
through their conversations with family and friends would reach a
more general group of the population.  It might even increase the
impact if "after a long battle with parkinson's" was made more
specific eg "after a 15(2,10,25 whatever) year battle with Parkinson's".

I do however stand by my earlier comments that we as a community
will need to find ways to make ourselves more interesting to the world
at large if we are to raise our profile in the media.  I was not of course
advocating actually rioting or murdering.

Think of the stories  though:

"The riot at Parkinson's Prison reached stalemate today as authorities
found the list of demands of the Prisoners of Parkinson's to be illegible"
" A spokesman for the PFVP [Popular Front for the Visibility of
Parkinson's] said today that they would shake a hostage every
hour on the hour until a cure was found".

It is my profound hope that by the time they write my obituary
Parkinson's won't rate a mention - but I won't hold my breath
on that one until I'm forced to.


Dennis Greene 48/10
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