


I agree with you that PD is an under-recognized disease. As I have mentioned
on more than one occasion, the students in my Office Automation class get
quite a lot of information on PD.  They can see the problems I have with
walking and grasping things, mobility, and the on-off phenomena.

One thing that has also helped is that "Awakenings" has been shown on TV and
cable several times this past three months. Several of my students watched
it who otherwise would not have had I not had PD. The same thing was true
when Dr. Sachs lectured at the university.

I realize that not all of us are as out-going as I am (would you believe
that I was extremely shy in my youth?) but if all of the PWP and CG would
take a little time to educate those around them about PD then it might not
be such an obscure disease.

(Of course I realize that another factor, especially for Young Onset PWP,
that would make them reluctant to advertise the fact that they have PD would
be its effect on getting/keeping a job.)

Sinemet CR and Mirapex
<Now known as Alpha Centauri on the #parkinsons chat channel>

* My mind is already made up...don't confuse me with the facts! *