


How frightening for Heather's mom and dad, as well as her loving
grandparent(s)..  My prayers and my heart are with you and that little girl.

Please keep us updated on how Heather's doing, m'friend.

With love....

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Bruce Warr
Sent:   Saturday, November 29, 1997 6:11 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Prayer for Granddaughter

Dear list friends,

Although this may not be considered to be "on topic" I believe that any
event that has an effect on a member's quality of life is appropriate.  The
week before Thanksgiving my granddaughter, Heather Warr, age 3, was admitted
to hospital with viral pneumonia. While examining her the attending
physician discovered a mass on the back of her heart.

They first treated the pneumonia and then ran some tests to obtain more
information on the mass. They were unable to accertain what it is so she has
been scheduled to see a pediatric cardiologist at the U.S. Air Force Wilford
Hall Medical Center in San Antonio (both her parents are in the military).

I request that Heather be kept in your prayers.

Sinemet CR and Mirapex
<Now known as Alpha Centauri on the #parkinsons chat channel>